Jasper Krommendijk
Jasper Krommendijk (1985) is associate professor of international and European law at Radboud University Nijmegen. He is currently working on a four years research project (2017-2021) funded with a VENI by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) on the preliminary reference procedure in the Netherlands, Ireland and the United Kingdom. This research focuses on the dialogue between national courts and the CJEU. He combines legal analysis with interviews with national court judges to distil the motives of judges to refer and their satisfaction with the CJEU and its judgments. This research is innovative because it is (one of) the first comparative studies that empirically examines the motives of individual judges of different courts within and across different Member States, while also paying attention to follow-up.
The common denominator of Jasper’s research activities is the impact of international and European law at the domestic level: how can the “law-in-the-books” be translated to “law-in-action”? Most of his research has been empirical and interdisciplinary in nature, grounded in both law as well as International Relations, It consists of qualitative case studies as well as interviews with judges or government officials, lawyers and NGO representatives. Evidence of this interdisciplinarity is his article in Review of International Organizations reporting about my PhD findings (The domestic effectiveness of international human rights monitoring in established democracies. The case of the UN human rights treaty bodies; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11558-015-9213-0). Jasper couples empirical legal research with positive law-oriented and doctrinal legal research as is apparent from the extensive number of case notes (commentaries on judgments of courts).
Jasper has published primarily on the preliminary ruling procedure and (the Charter of) Fundamental Rights in various internationally peer reviewed journals, such as the Common Market Law Review, the European Constitutional Law Review and the Human Rights Law Review. Recent publications include: ‘The highest Dutch courts and the preliminary ruling procedure: critically obedient interlocutors of the Court of Justice’ in the European Law Journal (2019) [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/eulj.12322] and ‘Why do lower courts refer in the absence of a legal obligation? Irish eagerness and Dutch disinclination’, in the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (2019).